Paintings and Awards

A gift from Kim Reiser

Jeanne's Video

Video of Paintings*

Jeanne's Obituary

Jeanne, camping, and the lake

"Thank You" Painting

Memo to Tommy: The rest of the story on "Thank You"

Her last 99 days: Husband's lament

Jeanne's picture

Jeanne Heartsill

The credit for Jeanne's memorial video goes to Kelly and Lisa who nailed it by honoring their mother with the sweep and breadth of her life shown in the sample of pictures and the short tape of her and I (and Biscuit) at Lake Murray on our last anniverary in 2013.

Jeanne's service video is seven minutes long and as the intro box will show it is an MP4 production.

* This video is ~49 seconds and may be slow downloading - but it is a beautiful tribute.

Her picture above was also in 2013 and taken in our back yard.

Kim's gift is on a very short video and is priceless. Please give it time to download.

The 99 days - By definition is an expression of grief, sorror, and weeping - written 22 Mar 2014.

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